Winter Fashion: Hats, Perfume, and Tips on Haircare

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Happy New Year everyone!! I hope the New Year 2021 will bring us back seeing people we love and things we miss in our lives.

Winter is here. And so is a fresh lockdown in our part of the UK. We only leave our home to go for a little walk in the neighborhood. We wear the warmest coats, and no one knows what else we wear underneath. So how do we keep ourselves feeling stylish and beautiful?

My answer to this is hats!

Hats are such a fashion statement! We can choose a hat to suit our mood on a day.  It’s much more practical to have several hats than to have several coats: cheaper and takes less space. And just as important, a hat keeps us warm and cosy in the cold temperature. I have four hats. Some of them have been with me for years, but two of them I bought this year. My choice this year is the ponytail hat! What a wonderful idea for those of us who want to showcase the hair but still be warm and snug! I loved it so much that I bought it in two colours, grey, and red. I am still deciding which colour I like more!


And guess what? I didn’t even have long hair before lockdown started! I wore a bob hairstyle! Two things happened to my hair in 2020:

  • n o h a i r c u t! That’s a long time without a haircut. My poor hair didn’t like it at all. But I am staying safe and home, and so this was my sacrifice.

  • b a b y! Having a baby is a wonderful wonderful event in life. In fact, it feels like a miracle! But all the calcium goes to the baby. Hair takes sacrifice. Again.

Here is what I use on my hair to be able to have a worthy ponytail:

I have been alternating the mask (the strength builder) with the conditioner and the treatment, and after a couple of months, I saw dramatic improvements.

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Perfume is my other tip for keeping the mood up. I always have several scents to choose from. I choose perfume to suit how I feel on the day, and I even use it at home to lift my mood. This December, I treated myself to the new Mary Kay perfume “Illuminea”. And I absolutely love it! The scent is sooo elegant and subtle, and yet it stays with me for a long time. And when I put on my sweater the next day, I feel enswathed in the gorgeous scent again!

As always, if you wish to buy Mary Kay products, or receive one to one consultation on skincare or makeup, please contact me at


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