My Giant Busy Craft Box Review

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This giant craft box from Alex little hands brand was in the “special occasion” price category for me. I bought it anticipating winter lockdown and wanting to have something exciting to do with my daughter on grey and cold winter days. In fact, we survived winter alright, but then spring came and it happened that there was a lot happening in our grown-ups’ life, my mind was preoccupied and I found it challenging to come up with fun activities. The box came to the rescue and I have to say what a fantastic craft box it is!! You can find the links at the bottom of the post, but for now, I’ll tell you more about what’s inside.

My daughter’s excitement about mini and not-so-mini projects in the box has no end. She does one project a day and the moment she finishes it, she chooses the next one she wants to do tomorrow. She has the patience to focus on the projects when they take a bit longer. She is super proud of what she made and shows it to everyone on Zoom and Skype calls I have! And even doing one project a day will last for a while as there are sixteen projects to do!

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The box has everything you need - glue, materials, pictures, and even lots of playdough! The only extra we used is scissors, but not having them would be fine too. Because of that, I imagine this box being fantastic for taking on holidays and staying away from home, and having fun projects to do.

The easiest projects are animals with playdough. The body is made from playdough and the legs, heads, tails, etc are punch out. Colourful result is so fun and pretty! Playdough allows to get creative and add spots, stripes, or anything else the imagination would suggest. There are four animals to make - four projects with play dough. There will be a lot of leftover playdough too to continue building up the animal farm.

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The paper bag puppets are so fun! Easy to make, look fantastic, and can serve as a toy for a little play after. The frog we made is very popular with my baby boy. He loves it and starts smiling the moment he sees it. There are four paper bag puppets to make in the box.

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The tissue art takes some patience and I was wondering if my daughter would be interested to do it for as long as it takes, and she absolutely was! We played games as we made the fish and the butterfly: a bit of competition who can stick the paper tissue first, or who would finish the part we were doing first, and it was lots of fun in the process. There are two tissue art projects in the box.

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The most elaborate is collage. This is where creativeness and fantasy can have a full swing! My daughter really enjoyed making them! There is gluing and drawing and tissue art and stickers and whatever you make of it. Lots of fun parts to use and four animals to make!

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There are also two projects with sticker art and even two frames provided to keep them on the wall if you like. We are still going through this box and even I am looking forward to having so much more fun with my daughter doing the projects. I would definitely buy it again! And you know what, I probably will when my boy grows up a little, we will have lots of fun doing the projects with him as well.

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Links to buy “My giant busy box”:


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