Light Toys for the Dark Season

The dark season is upon us. December is the darkest month of the year, but also the most sparkling! All the decorations on the streets and outside the houses make me think of December as a sparkling month! And why not bring the sparkle indoors?! Kids absolutely love the magic of lights in the dark! To help navigate the choice I made the selection of the best light toys from our experience. They would make fantastic Christmas presents and would continue to make your house glow all winter long after Christmas is gone!

  • First is Roberta in the picture above. Roberta is our name for the Robot that can play music and be a light disco ball at the same time. Roberta can dance too! Her real name is Beat Belle. She’s been with us for three years and is only becoming more and more fun every year for kids to play with. We love the feature of recording a phrase and having it played back at us. We often practice our French with it! Both my one-year-old and four-year-old love playing with it.

  • Press and glow spinner on the picture below is another favourite. It was given as a Christmas gift to my boy when he was only six months old. He was absolutely mesmerized just looking at it first. Since then he learnt to press and spin it, and now he loves carrying it around and dancing with it! My daughter loves to dance with it too, there is a bit of competition going on who will grab the spinner first! So it’s essential for us to have other glowing toys around to share.

  • Toucan from the top of Fisher-Price Rainforest Baby Gym helps with that. It’s been a long time we haven’t used the gym as my boy now is seventeen months, but the toucan from the top of the gym that can play music and has light in it is still going strong. Dancing with it in the dark is so fun!

  • Magic drawing board was also a Christmas gift. This one is best for three years old and up. My daughter adores drawing with light and loves to play with it. As she grows she is getting better at handling it too. So now at four, she is able to do a lot more with the drawing than before. We love that there are templates to use so it’s easy to have a foundation for the picture and draw around it.

  • Projectors are of course fantastic for having fun in the dark. Our favourite is also a night lamp. We love love love Star Projector Light for Bedroom. It’s simple, but being in the room with stars and the moon going around on the walls and ceiling feels so magical. Our imagination then helps to create games and enjoy the atmosphere. We also use the lamp every night in the kids’ bedroom, which makes this projector one of the essentials for us! Favourite features are for kids is choosing the colour of the light, for adults is a timer and for starry night time rotation.

  • Last but not least we also have a pocket-size projector that is also a torch. This is Fairy Unicorn Torch projector. My four years old daughter was over the moon to receive this. She plays a lot with pictures. She is particularly fascinated by the fact that the size of the picture changes depending on the distance to the wall. She can’t wait for it to become dark every day so she could play with it. But she also loves this toy just as a torch. She refuses to use any other torch and wants to use only hers to guide everyone on our way from pre-school home. We use this torch every day and I try to carry it in my pocket to make sure it’s not forgotten at home by accident.

I hope you enjoyed the selection and found something here for your kids. Please comment with any other fun light toys you might have! And happy December!!


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